Below are unpublished books in the IMAGINARY realm OF Mystery
The 156-year-old secret of the Lancaster family had remained hidden long enough, the time was now ripe for it to be uncovered.
When Molly Lancaster, the family matriarch, succumbed to an unexplainable and debilitating illness, her youngest daughter, Rachel, traveled across the country to Georgia to be with her. While staying in the old family mansion, Rachel began dreaming—night visions that were so lifelike, that she couldn’t tell the difference between them and reality. In her dreams, she encountered a mysterious little girl, Mary, who gave her clues as to where the family gold lay hidden, a treasure rumored to have been buried generations ago.
But during Rachel's stay, another mystery arose, a dark family secret meant to remain hidden forever. As Rachel dug deeper to uncover it, her dreams became nightmares and reality and the dream state intermingled.
The curse of Count Badeau
The uncivilized wilds of St. Louis in the 1830’s was no place for a French countess. But Theresa was no ordinary countess, instead, a woman drawn to the untamed landscape of Missouri. Her husband, Count Louis Badeau, loved Theresa more than life itself. His wedding gift to her, a hundred karat pink diamond which she wore proudly around her neck, the priceless diamond which rested over her heart. But his love went even further. He conceded to come to the uncultivated land of America to fulfill her dream.
When the dust cleared on June 21, 1840 in the wilderness western of St. Louis, the Countess was dead, gunned down by Bavarian outlaws who sought the pink diamond. On that day, Count Badeau saw his own life end, a life so intertwined with his lovely bride, that it no longer had meaning without her. In deep pain and contempt, Louis schemed a plan of revenge. Five men had been responsible for her death. Their lives must be forfeited to vindicate it. Clues would be given to those men of greed to lead them to the hidden diamond–and die in the process.
But something went wrong. The diamond was never found. Nearly a 200 years later, the story of Count Badeau had become a local legend, many wondering if there was truth in its roots. Twelve year old, Stuart Anderson was one such person, a young boy who sought to find the pink diamond, one said to be hidden in dirt and clay. But a curse was bound to the diamond, one meant bring death to anyone who sought after the pink jewel.
the Yankee Sham
The blood of the innocent, ones slaughtered in malice, cry out for justice. The tender hearted perceive the cries. Eleven year old Eliza Sue Jenkins was one such child. While visiting her great grandmother, Merriam, in Alabama on that hot summer month, a mystery found Eliza, one shrouded in darkness, meant to be hidden until the end of time.
The origin of Merriam’s house and its family history extend back before the great war between the states. Within the house, a secret room was shown to Eliza, one know by generations past. But there was more to this house then met the eye. Eliza sensed it. Then one night, she saw it, played out right before her eyes. Murder.
With night visions came more questions than answers. But the answers would reveal themselves soon enough. They had been buried in the distant past, now ready to be uncovered in the present. Those whose blood had been shed, would now be vindicated.